Not to mention I WANT all of them.

I work today, and I got PAID.
Im have some b-day gifts to buy for my dad (and a fathers day gift...) and some shoes. The shoes that tone your butt lol. MAYBE some heels. I want some new shirts. I FINALLY have outgrown some of my clothes. LETS PUT THIS IN PERSPECTIVE from 8th-12th grade I pretty much wore the same size, so i had 9387483736 clothes. Now I still have 92438234376284 clothes, but none of them really fit me :/
I need a new wardrobe, NOW!
ps. inspiration post TOMORROW
Kate can do no fashion that is! I love the big bag in the second photo!
Enjoy your pay day!
what do you plan to do with all your old clothes??
she looks beautifull!
I never noticed how gorgeous she as! And I need a new wardrobe too.
Her eyes look amazing! great photo =)
I just saw this. I love the bags!!!!
She is too fab, and still doing her thing.. Go girl!!
my blogs:
♥La Stylin Girraffe♥
♥ SHOP La Stylin Girraffe♥
Kate looks great!
omg ii luuuuvvv |KATE MOSS|
she really is pretty,
well.. sometimes lol.
Longchamp has the best buy... they are so comftorable and u can stuff a lot of stuff in it!!! i use mine for school and now that i was cleaning out my locker, i was surprised how much stuff i was able to fit in the bag!
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