The one night a year MTV pretends to care about music occurred last night and my official fashion post will be up later on today on . I LOVE Britney Spears and the "tribute" started off cute with CHA-CHI from I.aM.mE dressed ' baby one more time Britney' dancing to all of the pop queen's hits from the past decade with other adorable young dancers... But it stopped there, WHY? They made it seem like all types of celebrities were gonna do stuff and that didn't happen. ANNNDD During Britney's thank you speech, she had to introduce Queen B!
BUT, That was my favorite moment of the show. Beysus is pregnant, and is going to have the most talented and awesome child ever in life.BeyBay.
Better than your faves.
How did I miss this one??!?! AWESOME!
I love beyonce!
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