Portland Fashion and Lifestyle Blogger

Jul 15, 2016

PokeXFashion: Pokemon go and AR

Augmented reality is something more and more companies are trying to play around with. With my childhood favorite decided to re-release pokemon I wasn't sure what to expect but for the past week or so I have been playing Pokemon go with the rest of the world and I must say... If this doesn't scream 90's are back I don't know what does. I was like 10 when this came out the first time around and so in this edition seeing the OG 1st edition characters is a sea of memories. I ever actively played the card game. I just collected the cards because most of them were so cute and had the gameboy games.  Total nerd for life. I was doomed.
So I came across a tumblr that explains my life interests, strangely they haven't changed much since I was 10. The man behind PokeXFashion is creatively awesome inserting classic Pokemon into fashion advertisements much to the amusement of fashion lovers who have been playing Pokemon GO in AR.

You can view them all at his website: PokexFashion.


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