I have compiled a bit of an inspiration post, I have always loved the Union Jack symbol so this wedding is giving me an excuse to go crazy with it again:

always keep it G.

this photo is gorgeous!

I want this bag! lol

Custom shoes commemorating the wedding, only 11 made, I want to dye them pink and walk in them for graduation.
aww, i think they are so cute together and i love his smile.
I say find some heels similar to those and die them. They will look hot tamale.
Danyell Ramblings
When I saw this on Twitter I started cracking up because of the "obligatory" term. I was really contemplating whether or not to write a post about the Roayl Wedding. I mean I'm excited but like you said it's not like I'm invited (I am part English though haha). Anyway, I think your post is gonna make me write one sometime tomorrow haha!
I love the shoes striped sole; It's too cute. As for the wedding, I'm absolutely tired of hearing it. I'm only interested in the dress and in Kanye West's rumored appearance. Oh and Beyonce's performance...
ммм...какие пироженные)
принц Гарри хорошо получился))
i love that picture of will and harry with kanye!!
girl it was just so romantically beautiful...I felt like a little girl watching CInderella, just GORGEOUS! They are SO cute together, and I most of all LOVED her sexy yet classy neckline, OMG!
Side Note: I think Prince Harry is HOTTER LoL
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