Portland Fashion and Lifestyle Blogger

Nov 24, 2016


Happy Thanksgiving!
My first thanksgiving in PDX is not anything crazy but I knew with the timing of my move it wasn't going to be the best. I am headed to Seattle to celebrate with my friend Grace! I just can't wait for Kyle and Toshi to get up here... along with our stuff just because I need some sort of home comfort. Literally everything is foreign and I am trying to balance everything. Its funny because in Houston I hated my work environment but LOVED my city and apartment and now its the opposite feeling. I think I am not really vibing with the city because I 1)haven't given it a chance because I refuse to really explore alone 2) Really miss Kyle and Toshi getting on my nerves. Lol, it was great coming home and unwinding with them. 3) I really want my stuff lol. We built just a beautiful interior I miss just laying in a real bed on sitting on my couch falling asleep watching all of our shows... 

As much as I keep looking forward to that I'm trying not to get ahead of myself. Today is thanksgiving and I am just really thankful for all of the opportunities I have gotten this year. I told myself as much as I love Houston it will always be there. I am only 26, moving off at a time where I was given an opportunity, financing, and have no house or kids was a  great time to start an adventure like this. Not like the adventure window really closes, but this was a good opportunity. Of course nothing good comes easy and that is expected when you literally pick up and move 2300 miles away.

Living somewhere that you have never been and don't know anyone teaches you a lot:
1) You learn a lot about your true self and personality. There are a lot of things I always knew about myself but when you are alone and somewhere new all the sudden it becomes incredibly clear you are as a person. Not like I wasn't an adult before, but holy shit adulting is tough. 
2) You really learn how to depend on yourself. I really miss having my parents up the highway from me. I really do. Any minor problem I have I have to network and google to figure things out. Parents really take care of you and being away from them really forces me to adult. Raiding refrigerators and picking up random items is very taken for granted. 
3) You start to toughen up a little more and things start to really gain perspective. As much junk as I hoarded in moving around many times in Houston, in deciding on what to take to move here I realized whyyyy did I have so many random things? Mainly clothes is what I am referring to but its crazy how much junk I have acquired. 

So I have only been here one month so I am not even scratching the surface. I think what will be the most important for me is to stop looking back. I loved my old apartment so much and I miss HEB, Harwin, I-45 and all of my friends and family. At this moment constantly comparing will not be helpful while I'm transitioning. At the end of the day, this is all an experience. It has been one month. I am 26. I do not own a crystal ball. One year ago, let alone 6 months ago,  if you asked me if I saw myself living in Portland working at Adidas I would not believe you and probably not have considered it.  Who knows what changes will occur in the next 6 months or year? It could change for the better, which is what I expect once Kyle gets settled. We will definitely share PDX more and explore a lot. And if it changes for the worse guess what? HTX will still be standing, and we know the city well enough to transition back. 

It hasn't been the easiest month but it's definitely been shaping me into someone I wouldn't have been last year. That to me is a win and worth spending many more months finding my grasp. 
I do miss this view. But I have new views now, it will keep falling into place. I'm thankful I have the opportunity, as well as the opportunity to decide. Nothing is greater than the ability to shape your own life. Life is too short to stay in a routine or live inside the box. I'm thankful for the ability to take chances and learn from new people and new surroundings. I'm also thankful for everyone following on this journey with me! The most exciting thing is we both have no clue how the hell this is all going to unfold.


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