Portland Fashion and Lifestyle Blogger

Nov 15, 2016


I've picked up another bad habit of snacking poorly every chance I get. Smashmallows don't solve my problems but at 70-90 calories a serving and nothing artificial... I don't mind digging into these when I have a bit of a sweet tooth. My top three flavors are Strawberry, Churro, and Rootbeer. The drop off is quick after that just because of my personal preference. Each marshmallow really gives me gourmet vibes, the texture and look is very distinct and true to each flavor. 
I've been eating the strawberry ones nonstop. Its become dangerous. Rootbeer float is also really good. I kind of want to make a smore with it, well.. a few of these would be great as s'mores. 
 The texture of the cinnamon churro one is probably the most interesting. OMG so good. Probably would also make a good s'more or as a garnish in the perfect cup of hot cocoa. Expect to see these a couple more times in hot chocolate recipes for the winter. Now that I live somewhere that is actually cold, I will be featuring way more winter things! 
I was sent these honestly to just try out, but they are so cute and fun so I decided to share them! Have you tried these? I never really was a big marshmallow fan but these are so interesting I wanted to give them a try!

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